esmaspäev, 4. jaanuar 2016

Üks intervjuu. Sviiter edeneb/An interview. Sweater is progressing

Mul oli au vastata YU Magazine'i küsimustele. Ajakiri oli ka meie TFW etenduse sponsor, kõik külalised said endale ühe numbri. Intervjuu on siin.
I am honoured to have been interviewed by YU Magazine. The magazine was our TFW show sponsor, all guests received a copy. Sorry, in Estonian only but if you are curious to see their choice of pictures, here it is. If you have been reading this blog, there is nothing you don't know about me.
Sviiter edeneb. Mõlemad varrukad on valmis, nüüd viimistlen ära kaeluse ja koon taljest alla. All pole uss, vaid varrukas.
The sweater is progressing. Both sleeves are finished and now I am going to finish the neck opening and to knit downwards from the waist. It is not a snake but a sleeve.
Uskumatu, kui ökonoomne on see lõng. Nagu mainitud, koon kahekordselt. Kerele kuni taljeni kulutasin ära 1 toki ja kahele varrukale on kulunud vähem, kui üks tokk. Võrdluseks poolik ja terve tokk.
It is unbelievable how economical this yarn is. As mentioned, I am knitting with two strands held double. I used up one ball for the torso from top to the waist and less than one ball for both sleeves. You can compare the rest of the second ball with the ball I have not yet started.

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